Sweet Digizine Volume 1, Issue 1 (C) Copyright e.works LP & Motivational Media Assemblies This document contains installation and troubleshooting tips for the Sweet Digizine Interactive CD-ROM version 3.0. Information in this file is more current than that in the manuals or on-line help. ========CONTENTS======== Part Description ---- ----------- 1 Installation A. Windows 3.1 B. Windows 95 2 Troubleshooting 3 Known hardware/software conflicts ======================== Part 1: Installation ===================== A. FOR WINDOWS 3.1 There are two ways to begin the installation of Sweet: 1) From the Program Manager, click on File in the top left corner of the screen and scroll down to run. Under the command line dialog, type D:\INSTALL (where D: is the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive). 2) Double click the Main folder in your Program Manager and open the File Manager program. Once in File Manager, have the program list the directory of your CD-ROM drive. This can be done by either clicking on the drive letter just below the tool bar corresponding to your CD-ROM drive or by clicking on Drive on the tool bar and choosing Select Drive. At this point, File Manager will list out the different drives available. Choose the Drive corresponding to your CD-ROM drive. Once your CD-ROM directory has been displayed, double click the file named INSTALL.EXE. Once the installation program has begun, a series of questions will follow: 1) Please enter the desired location for the Sweet program. The default location of the Sweet program files is C:\SWEET. However, if you choose to save the files in a different area of your hard drive or in a different hard drive, simply begin typing the new location (eg. E:\GAMES\SWEET). The default location will be replaced by whatever you type in. 2) Quicktime 2.12 Installation: Local, Client or Server For non-network home use, simply choose local. This will install the Quicktime movie player software onto the hard drive of your computer. If your computer is on a network, you can still install the Quicktime software onto your local hard drive. However, if you choose the client/server method of installation, please consult your Systems Administrator before installing the software. NOTE: In order for the Sweet program to run, you MUST install Quicktime 2.12 or better. Various errors will occur and the program will not run if Quicktime is not installed. 3) Older versions have been found. Remove or skip? The version of Quicktime already on your computer is listed in this dialog. If the version on your computer is older than version 2.12, choose remove so that the newer version of Quicktime can be installed. If version 2.12 is already installed on your computer you can either choose remove or skip. By choosing skip, you will be relying on the Quicktime package already installed on your computer. 4) Installation is complete. Would you like to start the SWEET program? At this point, the installation of the Sweet Digizine is complete. You can either run the Sweet software or wait until a later time to do so. NOTE: The installation program creates a Folder in the Program Manager called Sweet. Inside this folder, you will find the Sweet Digizine icon. To run the program, you can either double-click on the Sweet icon located in the folder, or you can run the program titled SWEET.EXE on the CD-ROM. (Refer to the beginning of the installation tips for information on how to run a file on a CD-ROM.) B. FOR WINDOWS 95 There are two ways to begin the installation of the SWEET program: 1) From Windows 95, click on the Start button and scroll to run. Under the command line dialog, type D:\INSTALL (where D: is the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive). 2) From the Start button scroll up to programs. At the bottom of the menu double click Windows Explorer. Once in Windows Explorer, have the program list the directory of your CD-ROM drive. This can be done by double clicking the CD-ROM icon on the left side of the Windows Explorer. Once your CD-ROM directory has been displayed, double click the file named INSTALL.EXE. Once the installation program has begun, a series of questions will follow: 1) Please enter the desired location for the Sweet program. The default location of the Sweet Digizine files is C:\SWEET. However, if you choose to save the files in a different area of your hard drive or in a different hard drive, simply begin typing the new location (eg. E:\GAMES\SWEET). The default location will be replaced by whatever you type in. 2) Quicktime 2.12 Installation: Local, Client or Server For non-network home use, simply choose local. This will install the Quicktime movie player software onto the hard drive of your computer. If your computer is on a network, you can still install the Quicktime software onto your local hard drive. However, if you choose the client/server method of installation, please consult your Systems Administrator before installing the software. NOTE: In order for the Sweet Digizine to run, you MUST install Quicktime 2.12 or better. Various errors will occur and the program will not run if Quicktime is not installed. 3) Older versions have been found. Remove or skip? The version of Quicktime already on your computer is listed in this dialog. If the version on your computer is older than version 2.12, choose remove so that the newer version of Quicktime can be installed. If version 2.12 is already installed on your computer you can either choose remove or skip. By choosing skip, you will be relying on the Quicktime package already installed on your computer. 4) Installation is complete. Would you like to start the Sweet program? At this point, the installation of the software is complete. You can either run the Sweet Digizine or wait until a later time to do so. NOTE: The installation program creates a Folder in Windows 95 called Sweet. Inside this folder, you will find the Sweet icon. To run the program, you can double-click on the icon located in the folder, or you can double click the CD-ROM icon inside of My Computer, or you can run the program titled SWEET.EXE on the CD-ROM. (Refer to the beginning of the installation tips for information on how to run a file on a CD-ROM.) ======================== Part 2: Troubleshooting ======================== To help solve problems, a list of questions and answers have been compiled according to possible installation problems. Q: The program runs fine, but I don't have any sound. A: You need the updated sound driver for your sound card. You can get this free of charge from the sound card manufacturer. When you install the latest sound drivers, the sound should work fine. Remember, you must get the correct sound driver for your system. Windows 95 and Windows 3.1 drivers are different. Q: The music plays, but I can barely make out a scratchy voice when the book reads. A: With the program running, open the Volume menu at the top of the screen and select medium. If necessary, turn down the volume of the external speakers. Q: I am experiencing General Protection Faults when I run the program. How do I fix this? A: If you receive an Application Error/General Protection Fault normally there will be a message explaining what caused the error. A General Protection Fault is typically the result of a conflict between an application and a driver. The two programs are trying to access the same RAM memory. Look at the error message to determine the source of the error. Most General Protection Faults on Windows 3.1 are caused by a conflict with the video display driver. To fix this error you can either install an upgraded video display driver (free from the manufacturer of your video card) or switch to Microsoft's generic SVGA video driver. (see next question) Q: How do I switch to the Microsoft SVGA video driver? A: Open the folder titled "MAIN", run the program called "WINDOWS SETUP". Once you are in "WINDOWS SETUP" click "OPTIONS" and choose "CHANGE SYSTEM SETTINGS". Next click the arrow on the line titled "DISPLAY". From the list of drivers choose "Super VGA (640x480x256)". Close the program. You should be prompted to restart Windows. This is for Windows 3.1 only. Q: I tried to install the Microsoft SVGA driver, but it asked me for the disk with the driver. What is it talking about? A: You can load the Microsoft SVGA driver from our CD-ROM disk. The driver is located on the CD in the directory "D:\Video\SVGA\". When you are prompted for the location of the driver type in "D:\Video\SVGA\". Q: I ran the installation program, but I didn't install the Quicktime software because I didn't want it on my hard drive. The correct folders were created, but the software won't even load. I keep getting script errors. A: The Quicktime software is essential for the Sweet Digizine to operate. Re-run the installation program and choose to install the Quicktime software. This may end up installing a second icon in your Sweet folder, but you can simply delete the second icon from the folder. Q: When I try to install Quicktime I get an error that says "Disk space error: This program requires 2.5mb of free space to install...," and I have plenty of space left on my hard drive A: Search for a folder on your hard drive that says something like "QTTEMP~." When you find this folder, delete it and run the install program again. If you are on Windows 95, be sure to delete the files in your recycle bin as well. Q: I have Quicktime installed, but the program looks small and is at the center of the screen. A: Make sure that your display is set to 640X480 - 256 colors. To change your display options, open your Main Folder under the Program Manager and open the file named Windows Setup. Once the Setup program is running, click on Options in the left part of the tool bar and choose Change System Settings. Select the appropriate display driver from the list provided. If the setup program asks if you wish to stay with the CURRENT driver or install the NEW driver, choose NEW. This will force the setup program to load the driver from the disk and overwrite any video driver files that may have been corrupted. If you do not have a disk with Windows video Drivers, when choosing the display, choose the Windows standard video driver named: Super VGA (640X480, 256 colors). Q: I would like to install the current video drivers for my computer, but I don't have a disk that contains all the video drivers for my system. What are my options if I don't wish to use the Standard Windows drivers? A: Your first option is to contact the manufacturer of the video card or the company that made your computer. These companies may have updated video drivers. To find out what kind of video card you have exit windows 3.1 and type "MSD". This program is the DOS Microsoft diagnostic tool. Once the program is run, choose the Video button displayed. This will list the company and model number of your video card. In Windows 95 you can find out what type of video card and CD-ROM drive you have by going to the SYSTEM icon in your control panels directory. Q: I need to update one of my drivers, but I don't know the phone number of the company. Is there a list of hardware manufacturers? A: There is a text file on the CD that list most system, sound, video, and cd-rom manufacturers phone numbers. Where available, this file also list bbs phone numbers where you can download the drivers from the manufacturer. The file is named "Numbers.txt." It can be opened with any text editor, such as Notepad. Q: When I try to run the program, I get dropped out of Windows and straight back to DOS. A: This is a very common problem for computers (especially Gateway 2000 computers) that have ATI Mach 64 video cards. If you do have an ATI Mach 64 video card, please use the following directions: 1) Use the Windows Notepad Accessory to open the file, C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI 2) Look for a section titled: [Mach] or [Macx]. If you do not have the section and you do have an ATI Mach 64 video card, add the section at the end of the SYSTEM.INI file. 3) Under the [Mach] or [Macx] section, there should be a line that says: DeviceBitmap=OFF. 4) If you do not have this line, make sure to add it. If this line already exists, change the line to read: DeviceBitmaps=OFF. Either one line or the other should fix the errors. 5) Once the line has been added/changed, save the file. Quit out of Windows and restart your machine. The next time that you try to run Sweet Digizine, the problem should be remedied. If you continue to run into the same problem, contact the Tech Support line for the video card manufacturer. They are already aware of similar problems. To make sure they know exactly what program is causing the conflict with their video card, let them know that program causing the conflict is a multimedia application created using Macromedia's Director. Q: I am trying to run Sweet Digizine on OS/2 Warp's Windows emulator, but I keep getting errors when I'm trying to load the software. A: Currently, the Sweet Digizine is not OS/2 compatible. Q: When the Sweet program starts the graphics appear but then begin to overwrite each other as I progress further into the program. A: This is a common problem with Cirrus Logic Video Cards and Windows for Workgroups. If you do happen to own a Cirrus Logic Video Card, there are two things you can change to correct the situation. 1) Open the folder on your Program Manager titled Main. Run the program titled Enhanced (it has an icon in the shape of a chip with 386 written on it). Press the button titled Virtual Memory. Next, press the button labeled Change. At the bottom of the dialog window, you will see the new settings chosen for your system. Make sure that the 32-Bit file access and 32-bit disk access boxes are not checked. (Note: Windows 3.1 users will only have one of the two boxes.) Press Ok. Indicate that you do wish to change the Virtual Memory settings. Choose to restart Windows when prompted. 2) If #1 does not fix the situation, use the Windows Accessory Notepad to open the file: C:\CONFIG.SYS. Look for a line that refers to IFSHLP.SYS. Go to the beginning of that line and type REM. Make sure to have at least one space between REM and the rest of the line. Once you have saved the file, quit out of Notepad and quit out of Windows. Restart your computer, re-enter Windows and run Sweet Digizine. Q: Every time I try to run the Sweet program, it asks me to upgrade Quicktime and drops me back to Windows. I can not escape the loop. I have installed Quicktime more than once. A: Once you have double-clicked the Sweet icon, hold down the control key. This should fix the problem, but if it doesn't contact us as soon as possible. We can send you a patch to fix the problem. Q:The sound skips whenever I run the program. A:(Win 3.1x) Open up the Control Panel in the Accessories folder Double-click the Drivers icon. From the list of drivers, choose [MCI] CD Audio and click the Settings button. Change the length of time to the maximum of nine seconds. (Win 95) Go to your Control Panel and double-click the Multimedia icon. Choose the Advanced tab. Click the '+' next to Media Control Devices. Choose Wave Audio Device (it's usually the last one) and press the Properties button. Change the length of time to the maximum of nine seconds. If this does not cure your skipping problem, you may need an updated Sound Card or CD-ROM drive driver. (This is most probable for Win 95 users.) NOTE: If all else fails. Try to hold down the Control key immediately after you double-click the Sweet icon. ========================================== Part 3: Known hardware/software conflicts ========================================== The following information has been compiled from various sources, including notes from Tech Support calls and memos from other users of Macromedia products. The drivers and hardware items listed below is not a complete list. Rather, the list is continually being revised as conflicting drivers are either discovered or dealt with. With each new version distributed, new information will be added or removed. ------------- Video Drivers ------------- Cirrus Logic Video Drivers (CL-GD5422/5424) ATI MACH 64 Video Drivers --------------- Printer Drivers --------------- HP Deskjet 5 Bitfax FAX driver Adobe Acrobat 2.0 Texas Instruments PS17 -------------Other Drivers------------- F-Prot Professional (disable this item in config.sys) OLE Version 2.02 (upgrade to OLE 2.03 See "D:\OLE" on the CD-ROM disk) -------- Hardware -------- Compaq Presario 720 on-board video card ATI Graphics Ultra Pro Card Some Diamond Stealth video cards ============================================== Thank you for purchasing the Sweet Digizine. Please contact us if you have any further problems that are not answered in the previous README.TXT file. We appreciate all comments. e.works 1358 5th Street Santa Monica, CA 90024 For Technical Support Call Tel: (310) 260-4776 For Technical Support e-mail e-mail: hwyone@aol.com